24 Sep Roanoke Celebrates 10th Anniversary
Roanoke Celebrates 10th Anniversary
On September 23 rd , despite dreary weather, Roanoke staff were joined by more than one hundred subcontractors, architects, engineers, bankers, elected officials, nonprofit partners, and friends to celebrate the 10 th anniversary of the company.
After catching up with colleagues and friends, Kevin and Mike remarked on the milestone. Kevin spoke about founding Roanoke with the intention to transform the face of the construction industry and create opportunities for businesses owned by women and people of color. Gesturing to himself and Mike, Kevin said, “Most of the industry looks like us—two old white guys.” Cue Mike behind him, “Who are you calling old?” to laughter from the audience. Kevin shrugged his shoulders and joked, “Only one of us has gray hair.” Turning back to the diverse group of guests in front of him, he said, “We want it to look a little more like this.”
It was not lost on Kevin that most construction companies fail before reaching 10 years in business, and that Roanoke would not have achieved this milestone without the support of many friends and family members along the way. Kevin thanked his wife, Christie, for her support and gave tribute to his mother, Mary, for modeling what it means to lead a life in service to others. Kevin also thanked Mike for joining him in 2020, and together they expressed their appreciation for their staff, each of whom is an essential part of Roanoke’s success.
One team member deserved special recognition. Jackie True joined Kevin shortly after he founded Roanoke in 2012. The company began as a two-person effort, and Roanoke would not be what it is today without Jackie’s many contributions. Kevin and Mike presented Jackie with an award, a bouquet, and a gift to thank her for her sacrifices, hard work, and her dedication to Roanoke’s mission to not only build affordable housing, but to transform the construction industry.
Kevin, Mike, and the entire team at Roanoke were grateful to celebrate this milestone with so many people who support us in our mission. We were also joined by many creative and hard-working vendors who helped us make the party a smashing success. We would like to thank 6 Degrees Event Planning, Dore Catering, Lush Libations, Kake Lady Desserts, Anique Design, and Mena Darre Photography.
Here’s to the next 10 years of Roanoke Construction!